Each week have several meetings:
- Bible Study
- Ladies Meeting
- Family Nights (Like youth but everyone’s welcome to attend. There is no age limit)
- Prayer Meeting
(Please note we do not have the abovementioned meetings during the School Holidays)
Sunday Services
9am – 12pm: Morning Service
Our morning services consist of:
- Sharing Testimonies – We encourage anyone to share a testimony of what God has done in their lives.
- Communion – We come together to remember what Jesus did for each and everyone of us on the Cross.
- Tithes and Offering – Worshipping God through giving
- Praise and Worship – An important time to come together in unity and Praise and worship our wonderful God.
- Sharing of the Word – Each week, Our pastor, another congregation member or a guest speaker share a message.
- Prayer Request – Anyone who needs prayer, can come down to the front and we will stand with you in faith and believe for your need. Prayer is the key to heaven and faith unlocks the door.
5:30pm – 7pm: Evening Service
Our Evening services consist of:
- Tithes and Offering – Another opportunity to give thanks to God through giving.
- Praise and Worship – An important time to come together in unity and Praise and Worship our wonderful God.
- Sharing the Word – Each week, Our pastor, another congregation member or a guest speaker bring a message to share.
Each service is different. Whilst we do try our best to finish on time, we do not have a set structure or timetable. We very much allow the Holy Spirit to take over during our services.
Open Meeting Services:
The first Sunday of each month is Open Sunday. Open Sunday is an opportunity for everyone to share a testimony of God’s goodness in their life whether it be through singing a song, Doing a dance, performing a skit or simply saying what God has done in your life. We usually have a different theme for each ‘Open Sunday’ to inspire everyone. Its a fun time and a blessing to hear what Gods doing in each others lives.